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The Lockdown Tag

When I first started blogging, TAG posts were my favourite to do. Its been so long since I've done one and when I saw Hannah from LuxuryBlush create her own lock-down tag, I just had to take part! Her blog is amazing and her instagram is beautiful - definitely check her out! There are 11 questions in total, and if you fancy doing it please do - its so much fun!      

1 . Come On, Own up… Did You Stock Pile Anything? 

We did actually...we went and got back ups of pasta, rice and beans! Three staple items in our diet and ingredients you can have so many ways. 

2. Have You Discovered a New Hobby? 

I have really been into learning how to do different types of lettering! I'm still a bit rusty, but its been amazing discovering how to write different ways. I've been putting my skills to the test by using the amazing Chalkola pens* to write on a blackboard. I love writing a new quote every week and putting it in the kitchen for us all to look at daily. Their chalk pens are really easy to use, come in a variety of different colours and can be used on anything! I use them at school to write on the windows and on displays, then at home on this board and on card! Love them.

3. Where is the First Place You Will Go Once the Restrictions are 100% Lifted? 

I can't wait to go and see family and friends, its been such a long time since I've seen people in the flesh. No amount of video calling can beat the feeling of seeing someone in person and talking to them over a cup of tea.  

4. Lounge-wear or Normal Clothes For A Day of Isolating? 

Since the start, I have been wearing lounge-wear non stop! Its so comfy and easy to just throw on everyday. However, these past few weeks I've been either in work or on Zoom I've had to wear normal clothes. Let me tell you, jeans are trousers are so uncomfy! 

5. Have You Been Wearing Makeup Whilst Staying at Home? 

At the beginning I wasn't wearing any makeup and really focusing on my skin, but slowly I started to put a little bit on everyday. It made me feel so much more motivated as I was doing something daily that I enjoyed. Now, I'm finding myself using different products everyday and experimenting more - its been so much fun! 

6. How Many Zoom Quizzes Have You Done? And Importantly, Did You Enjoy Them?

I love a good quiz! We've been doing them weekly with the family and they are so much fun to take part in. As a family we are all very competitive so its been hilarious! Each household has taken a turn and done something different, my favourite has to be my cousin's, who did a 'supermarket sweep' style quiz. She gave us a hint and we had to go and find the item in the house, it was amazing! 

7. Did You Give into the Hype and Bake Your Own Banana Bread? 

Noooo, this is probably a really unpopular opinion but we don't like banana bread! Its just not our cup of tea...instead we've been baking batches of lemon drizzle and brownies. I think I need to find a recipe for banana bread that is well loved and try it out again...

8. Were You Still Ordering Takeaways? If You Did, What Was Your First One?

We haven't had lots of takeaways but when we have, we have had something from a local/new business to help them out. Grazing boxes are our new favourite, they are just incredible. We've had them a few times now, both savoury and sweet - highly recommend! 

9. Has Your Blog/ Instagram Content Had to Change Since Lockdown? 

My content hasn't changed as such but I've changed. I have had more time to spend on posts, SEO and social media which has made a huge difference. I neglect blogging a lot when I'm in my normal work routine so its been nice to take some time and really work on it. 

10. Are You Waiting Until the Hairdressers Re-Open or Have you Cut/ Dyed your Own Hair? 

My hair is in desperate need for a cut, its so thick and dry! I need nail bars to open though...would rather have my nails done right now then hair. 

11. Who Have You Missed Seeing The Most?

There are so many people, my grandma who lives in London, my best friend who is stuck abroad still and my lovely class of thirty children - I miss them all so much! 

I have loved answering these tag questions and if you need a blog post idea then I think this is a fab one to do! I also included some pictures of my weekly quotes, they have been so much fun to do and I love how they've turned out. 

If you fancy your own set of chalk pens, then be sure to visit the Chalkola website - and use the code PARIE10 for some discount. 
or you can find them on Amazon:
When paying through AMAZON, use the code CHALKOLA10. 

If you fancy winning your own set, there is a giveaway live on my teaching instagram page -


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