Coffee, Contour, Confidence - my life motto. Yeah right! Contouring has become such a phenomenon and still going strong through the beauty world. I have never got into the cream/powder products created for it specially due to them been a bit on the expensive side. As part of L'Oreal's new Infallible range they have launched their own concoction. A Sculpt Contour Palette, that includes a contour shade and a highlighter.

The kit retails at £9.99 which is still on the pricey side, I managed to get my hands on it during a blog sale. Nevertheless, the brand has offers on all the time so you could even out the cost. The packaging is also very basic and fuss free, a sleek black colour with both products in a diagonal after you lift up the lid. The kit also comes with a set of instructions that I haven't really made much attention to apart from seeing where it has to go. I apply the contour to my forehead and jawbones, very easy and something that I don't want to spend a great deal of time on.
I was super excited about this product due to the raving reviews online, and the 'special' feature about this kit is that it turns from cream to powder. This makes it easier to blend and work into the skin, slowly building it up to a higher intensity.
Now, my opinions are very 'on the fence' about this product. I love the idea behind it and the magic that happens turning it from one formula to another is genius. The first time I used it I loved it, I applied it after I powdered and both products looked amazing. I managed to apply bronzer on top too and it looked great. The second time round, I did the exact same thing - same brush, same technique, same foundation. It didn't sit right on my skin at all, all patchy and uneven. Maybe I didn't let my foundation settle? Did I pick up too much? Throughout the day it looked just as bad and no matter how much I blended with my brush it looked horrible. The issue this time was more with the contour, the highlighter is amazing as a base and then applying another one on top looks gorgeous. So, the girl that I am, I tried twice again. Once using less product and really moisturised skin so there was no dry patches in the way - just as bad. The next time round, I used powder first and then applied it- with a slight improvement, I now have higher hopes.
The highlight side of this kit is amazing and acts like a base for your highlight, the contour is a funny one. I thought that maybe the shade was wrong seen as though I got it from someone else. But I have swatched them myself in store. I am still going to keep going because I want to love the product and make use out of it. Here's to another few tries...
Have you used this kit? What are your thoughts?
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