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Starting Off; Bronzer ♥

Starting Off; Bronzer

This weeks topic is bronzer, and I am dedicated to only one bronzer that I keep on repurchasing this on and on. This for me is the perfect bronzer, you  just get emotionally attached to the love of your life..I am currently talking nonsense! This is the Sun Tint Bronzer by Natural Collection and for me is the perfect in-between foundation. It isn't too muddy looking so you don't look like you have slapped on all this bronzer, instead it has this slight hint of shimmer that just makes you look natural, glowing and bronzed. 


• A large round powder brush  is best for applying bronzer fast and effectively - particularly to face and body.

• Tap the excess off so that you don't pile it all on.

• Using light circular motions  bronze the area you wish to colour. For your face, start around the hairline - including your neck - to ensure even coverage, and work your way in to the centre of your face using the colour is left on your brush. Don’t reload your brush to do the centre of your face. A graduation of tone from dark to light is the most flattering.

- Bronzer's come with different finishes – matte/semi-matte or shimmer. What you choose comes down to personal preference.
Be sure to read the other features in this series..


London Loafers said...

I know what you mean about contantly repurchasing a certain item! If it works, why change it! :)


Unknown said...

great tips!:) love using bronzer in summer!♥ I followed you on bloglovin (petra lorencová)♥ you can follow my blog too if you'd like;) hugs!♥

Lorietta Bloglovin profile

shine star said...

Very nice post <3

Class and Glitter said...

aww thanks! and followed you! xx

Class and Glitter said...

thank you! x