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The £1.99 Face Mask!

Until the start of this year, I really didn't realise the benefit of a good mask. They are the one of the best products to sort out any skincare concerns, from dryness to oiliness. It gives the skin a real good deep cleanse whilst giving you that time to just sit there and do nothing but relax. No better feeling than that. I try to do a mask every week now, whether this means making one at home or using a ready made one. Recently, I have been using three different masks from Derma V10, which are available to buy from Savers and Bodycare and they only cost £1.99! But is the price worth the product...
derma 10v masks

           So, I was sent three of the Derma V10 mask to try, I put each one to the test a couple of times to get the feel for them and have fallen in love with some and out of love with others as the weeks went on. They all come in a small, very lightweight glass jar and hold 50ml inside. They are very similar to the L'Oreal face masks but way cheaper and easier to get a hold of.

derma 10v masks

Charcoal Mask
Charcoal does wonderful things for the skin, it strips it rips and brings everything to the surface. This one has a very light texture compared to other charcoal based masks I have used in the past. The thinest of layers gives the skin enough power, and after around 20 minutes it is fully dry and set. I found this easier to use in small sections around my face rather than applying it all over. Targeting the mask to my chin and forehead where things are a bit congested works wonders. It really brought those under the skin bumps to the surface and dried out any spots that were already on the surface. If you have breakout prone skin this is for you!

Red Algae
I was so excited to apply this mask, it contains aolin, walnut shell, red algae, vitamin E and honey. All of these ingredients helps the skin become brighter, smoother and softer. The first time I used it, it literally did nothing for my skin. Like zilch. The day of and after my skin looked and felt exactly the same. So, I tried it again but with a thicker layer and left it on for longer. This time round I felt the benefits of the exfoliation part of the mask, it felt more like a scrub when I removed it. The next day my skin looked a little brighter but a couple of spots appeared too, which was not the best :( I am however, still dertmined to make it work.

derma 10v masks

This smells just like the dentist, can't put my finger on why but it does! The scent is just when you open the pot but on the skin it doesn't transfer. This is a lovely mask to apply when your skin just needs some love/you want to do a mask for absoutely no reason. I kept this in the fridge for a couple of hours and then applied after work to calm my skin down after a hot day. The cooling sensation and feel of it was just amazing and it soothed my very hot and irriated skin down a lot.
derma 10v masks

You can't beat a good old mask, and these make the perfect excuse because they are only £1.99. I think tonight calls for a multi-mask with these, targeting different areas of concern!    Do you have a favourite mask?                                              
*pr samples

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