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It's time to show your feet some love

We're in July and slowly but surely the sun is making more appearances. I love summer because of the brighter and longer days but also because its sandals weather. After boots they are my favoruite shoe option and this year I have become obsessed with wedges 😍😍😍
Wearing nice shoes however means that your feet have to be in tip top condition, so last weekend I gave them a bit of love. 
Summer Feet Ready


To start this DIY Feet Pamper you want to get yourself a large bowl/dish that you can soak your feet in, or fill the bath tub up and perch on the side. Either way, you need your feet to just soak for about 5-10 minutes, add some essential oil too to make it smell all beautiful. Follow this by using a file or the Newtons Chiropody Sponge (£2.95)* to get rid of the dead skin cells and this will leave you with smoother skin. If you don't have time for everything else in the routine, doing just thing will make such a difference to your skin. The way to use this sponge, is to wet it and then apply soap before rubbing on your feet. I actually used the Newtons Polishing Foot Scrub (£3.99)* instead of soap and it worked a wonder. The scrub is made up of tea tree, spearmint and menthol which is quite strong at first but leaves your feet smelling amazing and so soft too.

All the scrubbing away at the dead skin cells is great but can be quite a lot for your feet to take, especially if you are bringing out your feet from hiding - oops. You need to follow it up with something moisturising and nourishing. The Newtons Intensive Foot Cream*(£3.99) has become my favourite new foot product. I applied a generous amount after scrubbing and my feet smelt and felt like heaven. Since then (so sunday) I have applied this cream every night after I have come home from work and my feet have never felt better. Standing up on the job all day is really taking its toll, this calming and refreshing cream has helped me a great deal. 

After scrubbing, cleaning and nourishing my feet its time to add some colour to the toes. The part that everyone sees the most and well needs to look decent. My go to colour recently as you can see is a muted nude/pink colour. Its the start of a love affair if I say so myself. My top 3 favourites have been OPI Bubble Bath (£6.95) which takes a good few layers but looks very natural. Maybelline Rose  (£4.49) is an old favourite, its a gorgeous dark nude and suits my skin perfectly. Then BarryM Pink Lemonade is the brighter, really pink of the bunch but still a gorgeous colour. I always find that polish on my toes lasts a lifetime compared to my fingers! 
summer nude nail polish

A quick and easy foot pamper, that I am going to try and do every fortnight to keep on top of things. Its made such a difference and now I can wear my wedges and sandals without the worry of dry, flaky skin! 
All three Newtons Foot Therapy products are sold separately and as part of a bundle, which you can find here. 

p.s have you seen the new blog design?


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